Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is People’s Favorite Passwords?

Have you ever wondered what is people’s favorite password? You might be one of them. Thus, better think twice before choosing a password for e-mail, online bank accounts and airline tickets. Passwords that show no imagination or distinctiveness are easy prey for information pirates, a new US study says. A statistically analysis of 28000 passwords recently stolen from a popular US website and posted on the internet reveals that people often do the easy thing.
It found that 16% took a first name as a password, often their own or one of their children, according to the study published by Information Week. Another 14% relied on the easiest keyboard combination to remember such as “1234” or “12345678”. For those using English keyboard, “Qwerty” was popular. Likewise, “Azerty” scored with people with European keyboards.
5% of the stolen passwords were names of television shows or stars popular with young people like “Hannah”, inspired by singer Hannah Montana. “Pokemon”, “Matrix” and “Ironman” were others. The word “password” or easy to guess variations like “password1”, accounted for 4%. 3% of the passwords expressed attitudes like “I don’t care”, “whatever”, “yes” or “no”.
There were sentimental choices, “Iloveyou” and their opposite, “Ihateyou”. Robert Graham, of the company Errata Security, which did the analysis and published the conclusions, advices that to better protect against cyber intrusions: “choose a password that is longer than eight characters with one capital letter and one symbol.” – AFP

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